<% @ Language=VBScript %>The Name Game
Telecom Watch TMC

The Name Game

August 17, 2005

It appears that the provisions of Sen. Ensign's proposed Broadband Investment and Consumer Choice Act (BICCA) fail to live up to the bill's title.� Many industry insiders are proclaiming that BICCA would re-monopolize the telecommunications market.�

Mind you, BICCA is just one of a series of�paradoxically named federal statutes that have come down the pike in recent years.� A few examples...

The Clear Skies Act - Essentially okay's increased pollution.� Call me crazy, but I don't think people should get black lung from walking down the street....

No Child Left Behind - Mandate so much testing that teachers wind up teaching to the test while removing creative thinking and problem solving from the curriculum.� If�a school's numbers don't measure up, then the federal gov't will withdraw�funding.� Makes sense.� Schools in need tend to perform much better when they have less money at their disposal.� Oh, and let's compile a database of students' names to military recruiters.

Patriot Act - while I certainly acknowledge that measures need to be taken to improve homeland security, there is nothing patriotic about�going overboard in limiting civil liberties.

Can anyone add to the list?�

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