Google Adds Current Location to Gmail

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
Tom Keating
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Google Adds Current Location to Gmail

Want to tell someone your location simply by adding location info to your email signature? Well, Google has been on a location kick of late, with the latest location feature adding a new "Append your location to the signature" option that appends your current location (determined by your public IP address) to your email.


If you want more accurate location detection install Gears that supports the location module. Gears leverages Wi-Fi access point signals for a more accurate location reading.

Just be careful when checking the location box. You don't want to be telling your wife you're in one place when really your not.

p.s. I wonder if Google Talk, their VoIP client will soon add this, then Google can indicate where you are from that as well.

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