I'll Take My Super Bowl at Home, Thank You

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
Tom Keating
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I'll Take My Super Bowl at Home, Thank You

I have to admit that I was a bit surprised read this morning that more of us who rather see the Super Bowl at home on a High Def TV than see the game live.

(Can you believe it?)

Course the survey was commissioned by gadgets retailer Circuit City, which has quite a vested interest in selling you those HD TVs to watch the game.

Anyway, more than 4,500 men and women responded to the "Big Game Survey," and 60% said football is the sporting event they most enjoy watching on TV (the  top choice of 72% of men and 48% of women). When asked how they'd prefer watching the Super Bowl if they had a choice, almost half of the respondents (48%) said they would rather view the game on a new HDTV than attend the game in person (26%).

(And what about the other other 26%?)

To get your fill of survey results, click here.

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