Poke Me but is that a Book

David Byrd : Raven Call
David Byrd
David Byrd is the Founder and Chief Creative Officer for Raven Guru Marketing. Previously, he was the CMO and EVP of Sales for CloudRoute. Prior to CloudRoute, He was CMO at ANPI, CMO & EVP of Sales at Broadvox, VP of channels and Alliances for Telcordia and Director of eBusiness development with i2 Technologies.He has also held executive positions with Planet Hollywood Online, Hewlett-Packard, Tandem Computers, Sprint and Ericsson.
| Raven Guru Marketing http://www.ravenguru.com/

Poke Me but is that a Book

I am on vacation this week and for that reason the blog is a little late today. Cooking is a little difficult from a hotel room but if you have this for while you know I am going to make some interesting things. My wife and I have two styles of vacations, one where we are true tourists and the other where we exercise and relax. This is the latter. Now, obviously if the idea is to improve ourselves physically, then our diet is also important. Therefore, I make salad for us each day. So far, I have made a cob salad and several salads using poke. Poke is a raw fish salad seasoned with Asian herbs and spices. The traditional poke is made with ahi tuna but other seafood is available such as salmon, shrimp, squid and octopus. I did try a beef poke but found it lacking. So, I decided to make a beef poke from a veal chop. It was very good. It was simple mixture of diced veal (cooked medium rare), sweet onions, mustard and soy sauce. I will make it again. The recipe of the week is Beef Poke.

Poke Me but is that a Book

While I consider myself a technologist, I have not made the move to owning a tablet. Since the major activity when on vacation is to read, I packed 11 books for my ten days. I considered getting a reader but decided to wait for the Amazon Kindle Fire. However, as I look around the pool area I see that most people are still reading books. There are a number of iPads, Nooks and kindles but books still lead the way. I am more surprised by the very low number of laptops by the pool. Out of 75 people, there are perhaps just 2-3 at a time. Most people are using their smartphones to keep in touch and manage email.

Infonetics recently completed a survey of enterprises interested in Unified Communications and second on the list of drivers was the integration of mobile devices. I expect this be number one if the survey included small and medium sized businesses. Since collaboration beat out mobility amongst enterprises but seldom leads as the drive for small businesses.

The pool awaits. Got to go. See you on Friday.

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