We Want Your Opinion: Who Is The "Best-in-Class"?

| Contact Center/CRM Views and Analysis

We Want Your Opinion: Who Is The "Best-in-Class"?

TMC is currently embarking on an exciting new venture: We're collecting the user community's opinions on the software and systems call center/contact centers use in their everyday operations. We want your honest opinions. (Yes, you can be mean if you're so inclined).

Our Best In Class Survey, which is currently underway, will pay you $10 if you fork over your detailed opinion about any of the systems you use every day: CRM, workforce management, on-demand products, call recording, ACDs, headsets, IVRs, speech systems, list management, PBX/IP-PBX, dialers, teleservices, sales force automation, knowledge management.

From take-no-prisoners evaluations that begin, "This product should only be used as a doorstop or a hitch to the dinner table for short people" to "My life became complete when this software was released," your opinions will help us build a very realistic picture of what the call center software horizon looks like, entirely minus the spin. (Something that's a bit hard to find nowadays.)

Please visit the survey site, http://www.tmcnet.com/survey/ and log in with your opinions. You can take the survey for more than one product area, so please don't be shy.


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