Someone with a Clue!

Carl Ford : 4G: For Generations to Come
Carl Ford

Someone with a Clue!

Thats the normal address on the NANOG list when a particular companies IP network is behaving badly with another internetworked company.  Its not always associated with facilities.  As a matter of fact more often its more virtual.  Routing Tables, Email systems, etc. 

Going through my emails today, I was thinking about how the 4G Wireless Internet would be portrayed on this mailing list.

I have been asked to start writing about the security risks of 4G. 
The opportunity for spoofers on a 4G network should generate some interesting problems and some good articles in 2600

I think the first issue to discuss is the question about how IP SEC fits into the mix of 4G.  See security on a 4G network is easy to set up for the end points that want to exclude, but when you want to hitch a ride it may be the use of OFDM generates some interesting ways to spoof on modulation. 

One more layer to apply IP SEC to in a system of layers upon layers.  So often everyone points to IP SEC and then tries to avoid actually implementing it.  It will be interesting to see if a lower layer security strategy will stay in the IP SEC space or become a proprietary lightweight tunnel.

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