Forrester: $2.1 Trillion Will Go into IT Spend In 2013; Apps And The U.S. Lead The Charge

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Forrester: $2.1 Trillion Will Go into IT Spend In 2013; Apps And The U.S. Lead The Charge

Forrester Research has now released its annual look at the state of IT spend globally, and the analysts project that there will be $2.06 trillion invested across software, hardware, and IT services by enterprises and governments in 2013. Within that, the U.S. will be the biggest-spending country by a long shot, and — in a sign of the times — apps will be the single-biggest spending category of all.

Overall, Forrester’s is a more sombre assessment of IT spend compared to Gartner’s, which a couple of weeks ago released its own IT spending estimates (again, not including consumer spend) and put the figure at $3.7 trillion. And it is a more sombre assessment compared to its figures in January, when it noted growth of 5.4% growth for 2013 in local currency terms and 3.3% in U.S. dollars.

As with Gartner, Forrester also puts in the proviso that currency fluctuations are having an impact, specifically because of the strength of the U.S. dollar compared to other currencies. Measured in U.S. dollars, growth has been lowered to 2.3%; in local currencies it’s 4.6%. (Gartner’s figures were 2% in U.S. currency; 3.5% in constant currency.) “The continued recession in Europe and slowing growth in China will offset improvements in the US, Japan, and some emerging markets,” writes analyst Andrew Bartels.

Source: TechCrunch

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