Breaking Up with Facebook Is Hard to Do

I once had a boyfriend, back in the day who was the apple of my eye. I liked him, he liked me, we held hands and we sat at the same table in the cafeteria. It was wonderful for a few months. We talked in school but we also did our own things after school like hang out with other friends. However, as time when on all he wanted to do was be by my side.
Going along with it for a few weeks, it got old fast. It wasn't the fact that I didn't like spending time with him, that wasn't it. It was the fact that he needed to know what I was doing at all times. If he wasn't with me he would call me to "just say hi," ...hello, click.
Social networking, for some, has become something of an addiction. Like beepers and their offspring - cell phones -accounts on social networking sites like Facebook are everywhere, and some people are checking them about every 15 to 20 minutes.
For instance, as TMCnet reported, Facebook is now testing a new feature that let's users search the site for items their friends are talking about or sharing, like videos and photos -- in real time.
Personally, I'm a fan of deleting virtual friends if I really don't talk to them or know anything about them. I also don't join games, applications or list my favorite five street corners, five favorite songs that end with the word 'mayonnaise' or five favorite Twilight characters and only list Edward Cullen.
I'd rather e-mail a person via Facebook than use notes or the "Wall," because it's impersonal and public. It's probably the reason why I'm a huge fan of never updating my status - because it's a public forum, people can see what I'm doing, in real time.
I may be missing the concept of "social" networking but, I like my privacy too. I'll socialize on my own terms, thank you, and I'll decide who gets to see my personal information and pictures.
However for some, the addiction of Facebook becomes too much and the only option is to deactivate their account, even if it's just for a little while. It's sort of like an umbilical cord that we can't seem to cut but want to desperately.
In any case, as I learned just now, saying goodbye is hard to do - and that's because Facebook doesn't want to let us go.
To deactivate a Facebook account, once a user is logged in, they click on "Account Settings" and then on "Deactivate Account." Here's where the violins start to play. 
"Are you sure you want to deactivate your account? Your (insert number) friends will no longer be able to keep in touch with you."
Underneath this are five pictures where you are tagged saying, "(Friend's Name) will miss you." (See image at right.) Will they, Facebook, will they?
Once you get past that, Facebook requires that you give them a reason as to why you are leaving:
  • I spend too much time using Facebook.
  • I need to fix something in my account.
  • I have another Facebook account. I don't understand how to use Facebook.
  • I don't find Facebook useful.
  • I get too many e-mails, invitations, and requests from Facebook.
  • This is temporary. I'll be back.
  • I don't feel safe on Facebook.
  • Other
But Facebook loves you so much that if you click on one of the options, like the first one, their response is, "One way to control your interaction with Facebook is to limit the number of e-mails you receive from us. You can control what e-mails you receive here."
I'm sure that when some people reach this step, they second guess themselves and hit cancel. However, if you check off other and continue, Facebook absolutely needs to know why. You cannot deactivate your account without giving a reason.
Be sure, if you do end up deactivating your account for whatever reason, to check off the e-mail opt out, because if you don't, you'll still receive e-mails on your account reminding you that you're former Facebook friends miss you.
Why so much pressure from Facebook? Who knows, but for many who use the site regularly, they'll probably never see the deactivate page.
Needless to say my now ex-boyfriend and I didn't last too long. In high school terminology we went out forever but it was fun while it lasted. As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end - a bit like the recent announcement made by another social networking site, MySpace.
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I was starting to think I was the only one with who felt this way. I love the idea of Facebook as far as reconnecting with old friends but I'm getting really tired of all of the mindless games, quizzes and other assorted nonsense. Beyond that it's a bit creepy how they mine all of your conversations, etc for marketing data. I mean I know they have to figure out how to turn a profit but this seems a bit excessive. However I think I'll keep my account though, if only to be able to email people occasionally. At this point I log in maybe once a week at best.

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