Tips to Make Your ITEXPO Presence a Success

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Tips to Make Your ITEXPO Presence a Success

Tips to Make Your ITEXPO Presence a Success

TMC has done the marketing, advertising and promotion to bring thousands of communications pros to ITEXPO.

Now it's up to you to turn interested prospects into buyers.

1. Greet visitors immediately, warmly and ask them about their business. When you listen, you're more likely to connect with prospects than launching into a hard-core pitch. It will also help you qualify each prospect.

2. Your time is precious but so is each attendee's. And people may have very short attention spans. If you can't describe how your product/service/application can offer a solution in 15 seconds or less, you've got to rework your "spiel."

3. Remember: you are making a first impression with everyone entering and passing by your booth. That means being on your best behavior and displaying enthusiasm.

4. Hand out literature and promo items after you take a look at each prospect's badge. That way you may avoid giving materials to people who aren't prospects -- or maybe even your competitors!

5. Yes, it can be tiresome to be on your feet for hours at a time, but avoid sitting in your booth as much as possible. You'll convey more energy and be able to get around crowds better.

6. Introduce qualified prospects to top-level management (if you're not). It makes the prospect feel important.

7. Be aware of what your competitor does and how your company's offering is better. Communicate this clearly but not disparagingly.

8. Ask for the sale. Or at least ask to set up an appointment to discuss a sale. If you're not going to ask, someone else will.

Good luck!
Lorna Lyle