Hyperconnectivity gone astray: a wireless digital picture frame

Another example of hyperconnectivity at home.

A friend of mine received a digital picture frame from his daughter for Christmas. A key feature, or so she thought, was the ability to wirelessly connect to a PC and display any photo or video on the PC. My friend, a computer literate environmental scientist, read the manual and concluded that the supplier was more interested in selling hosted photography services than in giving any reasonable guidance on how to make the wireless connection actually work.

Lesson learnt: just because something can technically be done, it’s not going to happen unless it’s simple. It shouldn’t require a PhD, though my friend has one!

My personal Christmas experience was much better. I got a gizmo that takes audio input from anything and allows me to use any radio as a speaker. I just tuned in on an unused channel and bingo I could listen to the podcasts I downloaded on my personal WiFi-enabled PDA on my car radio. Now that’s Hyperconnectivity made simple!

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