Wireless "Practical" Bandwidth

The Swedish Consumer Ombudsman has announced that wireless operators in Sweden must stop making bandwidth claims that don't align with what the customer will get.

For example, a service with a theoretical bandwidth of 7.2Mbit/s (including all sorts of overheads, will now be marketed as having "a practical maximum speed of 6M bps."

This "practical" claim is not all that practical, since it assumes optimal conditions (no other users and best location).

While this is a step in the right direction, at least for enterprises, how about a minimum committed rate at peak hours, reflecting some sort of engineering criteria?

This would allow IT to start making choices on price/performance.

Theoretical and practical bandwidths don't do it for me.

O yes. Happy Canada and USA days!

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Wireless "Practical" Bandwidth TrackBack URL : http://blog.tmcnet.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/40413

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