Why the SSCA™

Graham Francis : The SIP School
Graham Francis
| The SIP Blog is just that; with opinion and analysis on all things SIP in the world of VoIP

Why the SSCA™

SIP is a protocol that is affecting everyone involved in the communications industry and it's vital that these people need to understand it at some level. With all the information available on the Internet it can get a little confusing on what to read and buy in order to get up to speed and this is where The SIP School solves the problem.

It's one place that Sales, Marketing, Pre-Sales, Installation and Support professionals can go to in order to learn all they need to about SIP using a fully animated, flash based eLearning system that not only covers the theory on SIP but actually 'engages' the learner and encourages them to use SIP based products available on the Internet for free so that they can actually 'try things for themselves'. 

We know that theory is important yet in the real world it's critical that people who will be involved in SIP Network design, Installations and Support have relevent experience with the protocol before working with customers.

In order to prove that they have the knowledge to work with SIP, The SIP School has the certification program called the SSCA™ (SIP School Certified Associate) that allows people to take a test and get qualified. 

Of course a qualification is only as good as people who recognise it and this is where the SSCA™ really proves it worth as it is not only being used by companies such as... Motorola, Bell Canada, Inter-Tel, Chevron, Allstream, British telecom, Cable and Wireless etc.

It is endorsed by industry giants such a Mitel, Panasonic Europe, snom, Ingate, Fast Lane with many more 'lining up' to make it the only SIP training program and certification that they will recognize - which means that there really is just one place you need to go for SIP Training, The SIP School

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