2009 - The Year of ?

Right around this time every year, many commentators and captains of industry usually announce their predictions for the new year. I do not plan to do that. If I did, it would be like market research: the only thing you know about the predictions is that they are wrong. This is not to say that looking forward (or market research) is useless. By looking ahead and anticipating where the market is headed, one can get a sense of direction. It is with this in mind that I want to mention some interesting areas to watch in our industry and comment a little on GIPS in 2009.
The mobile world, and especially mobile IP communications, will be very interesting to follow in 2009 (by mobile I mean the cell phone based wireless systems). Hopefully, we will see innovative new IP communication apps moving beyond wireless email. Maybe we will even see the first apps that include real time IP video. Both the mobile world and the IP communications industry will benefit from new mobile IP communications apps providing value to end users.
In addition, I think video conferencing will continue to gain popularity. Look for further fragmentation of the space with new, less expensive, easier to use systems and services in addition to the current meeting room dedicated hardware based systems. Desktop solutions that utilize backend software running on standard servers will continue to present a flexible alternative, and should proliferate as the UC market grows.
Speaking of which, 2009 could be a big year for Unified Communications. I have even noticed the term "mobile UC" popping up, indicating that Fixed Mobile Convergence is becoming a feature of UC. This could be an exciting development, as it would provide a new venue for features and functions that have only been available on the desktop until now.
As the VP of Engineering for GIPS, I am excited about our focus on innovation. Look for us to innovate in several dimensions: basic voice, video and multimedia technology for IP communications, as well as in our system level engine offerings. We are looking forward to providing our customers with more and better technology that enables them to create innovative high class offerings!
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