Most-Used IM Acronyms

December 29, 2004

Were you ever confused about an acronym somebody used in an IM or SMS message? A little help appears in this release from today:

Omnipod Releases New Survey Results of Most Commonly Used Instant Messaging Acronyms in the Workplace

Here are the top 10 revealed in Omnipod's survey:

1. NP -- No Problem
2. JK -- Just Kidding
3. LMAO -- Laughing My A** Off
4. CB -- Call Back
5. TTYL -- Talk To You Later
6. WTG -- Way To Go!
7. NCIH -- No Chance In Hell
8. DHT$ -- Don't Have The Budget (or Dollars)
9. WRUV4 -- Who Are You Voting For?
10. RFL? -- Ready For Lunch?

Omnipod is a company that provides an enterprise communications platform based on IM technology. "It is interesting to see how IM slang evolves year after year," CEO Gideon Stein says in the release. "People seem to be getting more comfortable in their general use of IM as a conversational medium with more and more slang entering their acronym use -- LMAO and NCIH are prime examples."

AB -- 12/29/04

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