Technology Podcast: CRM Wars - Cisco's Intelligent Networking - Pod Slurping - 1.3 Million Pennies - Tom Cruise All Wet

June 26, 2005

TMCnet's latest podcast is now available to download or add to your podcast player. Our podcasts cover the week's most compelling stories in the communications and technology space. This week's podjockeys were TMCnet's Executive Editor Bob Liu, TMC President Rich Tehrani, and myself, TMCnet Editorial Director Al Bredenberg.

Here's what you'll hear about in this week's podcast:

As a top technology educator, TMC produces podcasts that are both educational and fun -- please go to our podcast page to listen or subscribe.

AB -- 6/26/05

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Comments to Technology Podcast: CRM Wars - Cisco's Intelligent Networking - Pod Slurping - 1.3 Million Pennies - Tom Cruise All Wet

  1. RE: Technology Podcast: CRM Wars - Cisco's Intelligent Networking - Pod Slurping - 1.3 Million Pennies - Tom Cruise All Wet
    Michael Hammond :

    This was the point that Tom Cruise didn’t make. Do you know how much prescription drugs are worth to Big Pharma? On a world wide basis about a trillion + dollars. How much do you suppose the pharmaceutical companies spend advertising drugs on TV, Radio, Magazines and News media? Do you think that they want to protect this income? Right now Ritalin is being dispensed in schools under the guise of treating over active children. Ritalin is a mild form of amphetamine and of course as time goes by that doesn’t “work” the school psychologist then prescribes amphetamines and the end product is the teenager becomes a drug addict and a lifetime client. Please don’t believe me but take the time to research, Google is a great tool for this. Regards Michael Hammond