Not Crazy, Just Technologically Savvy

 I saw one again just the other day: a person who appeared to be talking to himself. This was an ordinary-appearing guy, his head partially hidden by the umbrella he was carrying to ward off a light drizzle, proceeding along a sidewalk in a residential neighborhood. There was no-one with him, nor could I locate another person anywhere in the immediate vicinity.


Yet, from my vantage point inside my car, I could clearly see this man’s lips moving. He definitely was carrying on a conversation. 


Of course, he wasn’t crazy, he was merely talking on a cell phone using wireless headset, making it nearly invisible. Whether this stealth was intentional or not, I cannot say.


Ten years ago, if I encountered someone talking to him- or herself, I might have been inclined to speed up (if driving) or cross to the other side of the street (if walking). But today, I (along with others) just chalk it up to modern technology and move on with hardly a second thought.


I wonder if you’ve made similar observations about ways people use technology that makes them look “crazy”? Let me know.


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