The Black President the White Space

Carl Ford : 4G Wireless Evolution
Carl Ford
| 4G is the next evolution in wireless technology. Discover how 4G will transform the wireless industry

The Black President the White Space

Yesterday as the Wireless Innovation Alliance pointed out, there was more than one important vote.  Before Obama was elected President, the FCC unanimously approved the use of white space for wireless broadband.  As the President Elect looked forward to his Presidency, he spoke of the changes that Ann Nixon Cooper had experienced in her 106 year lifetime, which included "a world [was] connected by our own science and imagination."

This is a president who is going to be in favor of a broadband policy.  I am friendly with some people who have worked with him in Illinois and have been advocates of a new future.

So as the meaning of 4G gets debated and whether LTE is the only real strategy as we now have new life in WiFi and unlicensed services, another opportunity for wireless broadband needs to be heard.

As the President Elect noted "there is much more to do"

I look forward to a historic future.

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