Amy Lind with IDC has been called one of the most switched on, insightful and understanding analysts in telecom. At SkySwitch Vectors Orlando, she will be relying on data from a recent UCaaS IDC survey.
You could be among the first to see the results.
Some of the findings are large UCaaS companies are focused on really large trophy-hunting accounts. Tens of thousands of seats – as large as they can go.
As a result, there is less focus on small and midsize companies.
These customers, as a result, are being put into a self-service model.
Lacking the human touch, their service levels are declining.
This industry shift allows the MSPs to have a deeper level of care and differentiation from the giant UCaaS providers.
Many small businesses have grown tired of being ignored and are perhaps ripe for the picking. This is why a born-in-cloud UCaaS system from Skyswitch may make sense for MSPs to consider.
There are obviously a lot more small businesses out there than large, meaning lots of opportunity.
Learn more at the SkySwitch Vectors Orlando conference, Oc 27-30th in Orlando, Florida.