Suzanne Bowen : Monetizing IP Communications
Suzanne Bowen
37 yrs in telecom, teaching, blog & grant writing, biz development, marketing, & PR. Favorite moments in life involve time w/ family & friends, networking, IP communications industry verticals & horizontals, running, traveling, foreign languages
| 1. "Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition..." Barack Obama ..... 2. "One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who complain." By Thomas Sowell

About Me

When I was 17, my college Introduction to Computers professor stated that I had no future in computers. So I bought a Tandy 1000 HX, got a job as an English teacher, brought the Tandy to my classroom, learned how to use it with the students, brought Internet to kids for the first time in Florida, and later in 1999 started an IT company with Rehan Ahmed. I've always enjoyed how the Internet empowers us first and secondly how we can monetize it. 

You'll find me on the board of Linking Arms, Inc., a local Pensacola non-profit who helps kids and their families to succeed and give back to the community. Our company Super Technologies, Inc. is a sponsor for it, ITGULFCOAST, and Junior Achievement. We're probably best known for DIDX, CFMS, and Virtualphoneline. We enjoy showcasing the value and excellent business development potential of our clients and partners in 170 nations via podcast, video, and online media magazine. We are a media partner for several hundred global events since 2005. Can I interview you? ;-)

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