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Conservative Senator on telecom issues: "playing defense" will be necessary

November 16, 2006

By any measure one of the more economically conservative U.S. Senators, Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) is a strong advocate of market-based solutions for telecom and Internet issues.

Market-based, and not regulation based.

As noted in National Journal's Technology Daily, DeMint spoke earlier this week as one in complete sympathy with the Progress and Freedom Foundation and their Digital Age Communications Act.

The DACA calls for the FCC to be transformed into an agency more focused on antitrust and consumer protection than an enforcement model envisioned by much of the current FCC membership and indeed, the incoming Democratic leadership of the next Senate.

DeMint isn't exactly doing cartwheels about that scenario, though.

A realist, he's quoted as saying that the chances for that type of reform in the incoming Democrat-controlled Congress are "slim to none." He describes a "playing defense" scenario against "burdensome legislation" for the next two years.

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