The Yahooligans at the Gate

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The Yahooligans at the Gate

Well,  so much for Scott Thompson, reign at Yahoo!.  He over saw the stock rising and announced layoffs.  So as recent CEO's go his vision was perfect.  In fact he ended up getting himself and five members of the board layed off as well.  So in that sense he has been a true leader.

And now comes the problem of Now What?

It is unclear the strategies are going to get easier to fathom.

With Scott Thompson at the helm, I expected to see a new paypal like service that would support micropayments in Asia.  It was just a hunch but it made sense given his strengths and Yahoo's skill sets.

Now I expect that Daniel Loeb is going to dress the pig for slaughter.

If you bought in when Scott Thompson came in you have about a 20% gain on your investment.

Now comes the question, Stay or Go?

My sense is that staying is the riskier choice.  Its hard to figure when the board will giving a cohesive message to the employees.

They have already lost many people I believed in at the place.

Lets see what happens in the next few weeks and see if these Yahoos can figure it out.

Good Luck to Scott, You did more for the stock in five months than some have done in years.

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