Axeda Connexion13

Carl Ford : 4G Wireless Evolution
Carl Ford
| 4G is the next evolution in wireless technology. Discover how 4G will transform the wireless industry

Axeda Connexion13

You can tell M2M is coming of age at Axeda's Connexion13  The Music blaring in synch with the video splashing.  The feel good sense that you are part of something bigger.  Axeda is making the point that this is about the Machine Cloud.

Todd DeSisto, President, Axeda Corporation.  Four days of case studies focused on Remote Services, Business Process, Process Efficiency and Optimization.

Bill Zujewski (a.k.a. Bill Z.)  now speaks about the Machine of the future.  The Evolution of the future.

1970 self contained hardware very little software
Next 1980s  Software enhanced digital interfaces
Next 1990s  Modem connected communication with firewalls 
Next 2010s Programmable Machines

Machines of the future (2020) are;

Connected via the cloud managing the connectivity whether wirelines or wireless.  
Serviceable being able to reconfigure manage and reducing field service with remote management 
Trackable keeping the location information for the benefit of security, efficiency and optimization.
Informative delivering more information (big data) that provides opportunity to expand the original implementation for more benefits.
Self-Healing making the machine 2 machine sensors better integrated in the machines to reduce the risk of downtime with predictive analytics.
Integrated with ERP, CRM and other systems for proactive management decisions.
App-Centric the hardware is not as relevant as the software so cross platform association to consoles but to specific applications will be the norm.
Eco-Friendly data extraction so the energy use of the M2M applications is optimized for the costs and cleanliness of the solutions.
Collaboration the deployments deliver new apps and new benefits.  

Expanding The Value Curve
Level 7 socialized sharing Machine information
Level 8 Multi-vendor enabling metrics across the vendors to deliver better ecosystem information
Level 9 Cross - Industry supporting more information to be used by more opportunities  (Personal Note: I think the Eco-Friendly is the best example)   

Where is IT in this for business.  Just like BYOD efforts we are heading to BYOM (M is for Machines) and the result is IT is going to have to use the platforms as a Mobile Machine Management tool.

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