Technology lowers car cabin noise level

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
Tom Keating
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Technology lowers car cabin noise level

Experts say a quiet cabin is important because it allows drivers to hear their music, cell phone or other passengers more easily. Engineers at Buick used a digital recording device called Aachen (Ah-Kin) Head to improve the sound in their latest model, the Lucerne.

The technology was not only used to lower the vehicle’s noise level, it was also used to improve the sound quality of several components – including the power windows, doors and even the glove box.

No word on whether they've added sound-proofing materials to the back seats to block the noise of children playing with their GameBoys, Nintendo DS, or Sony PSP, as well as any loud sibling quarrels. "Mom, he's touching me." "Well John touched me first" "No I didn't!" "Yes you did!" "I don't care who touched who first. Now be quiet or I'm going to make you both walk home!" Sound familiar? ;)

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