TIME Magazine Hottest Gadgets for 2006

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TIME Magazine Hottest Gadgets for 2006

Time Magazine gadgets

Lights red or blue depending on water temperature. Never scald yourself again!

Time Magazine gadgets

Sanyo Xacti Hi-Def (high definition) tape-less camcorder

Time Magazine gadgets

Mercedes Benz S550 Radar assisted Night Vision

Time Magazine gadgets

WowWee SCOTY robot is a camera and Wi-Fi equipped butler who sits in your living room, obeying voice commands to play specific music, read new e-mail and even report intruders.

Time Magazine gadgets

Intel Tray Table laptop design lets you pull the screen forward from behind the keyboard and even raise the screen to eye level. Great for flights when the seat in front of you reclines

Time Magazine gadgets

Ever want to read an email but don't feel like opening up the laptop? Microsoft's proposed solution is SideShow. Laptop makers are planning to design small screens on the outer body so you can read incoming messages or playe music without opening the case.

TIME Magazine has a cover story this week titled "What's Next," which takes a look at the what the near future holds- everything from politics to health to NASCAR. One of the main stories is a look at the hottest gadgets for 2006. From the nano (the Samsung credit card phone) to the cool (a robot butler) to the awesome (Mercedes night view), the TIME article provides a snapshot into what is in store... or coming to the store nearest you! The photos are just some of the gadgets. (click here for full story)

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