iOS 5 hides an Android-like autocorrect keyboard bar - Here

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
Tom Keating
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iOS 5 hides an Android-like autocorrect keyboard bar - Here

There's a cool hidden feature in iOS 5, which hides an Android-like autocorrect keyboard bar. You can enable it even without jailbreaking.

Here's the tutorial (via

1. Download iBackupBot

2. Backup your iPhone/iPod in iTunes

3. Open iBackupBot and find the backup, then load it.

4. Find Library/Preferences/ and open the file. (if your software isn’t registered you’ll have to press cancel and then it will open)

5. Add in the following code: <key>KeyboardAutocorrectionLists</key><string>YES</string>

6. Save your modifications, and then restore from backup from within iBackupbot.

Only problem is the space bar is replaced with 'Next' to iterate through all the suggested words, making it a less productive experience. I kept hitting the location for the space bar, but it would perform the 'Next' function to highlight the next word. Instead you have to click to the right of the space bar which has a 'confirm' button. Once you do that, then the 'Next' button reverts back to a space bar which you can then press to add a space and proceed with the next word. This extra step made the auto-correct suggestions much less useful. What Apple should do is keep the space bar the way it is and simply display the suggested words and allow you to press one of them. Don't force confirmation via the 'confirm' button.

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