GlobalComm failure - Will Hooters Girls Help?

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
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GlobalComm failure - Will Hooters Girls Help?

Rich Tehrani has always been one to call it like he sees it and he certainly has a keen eye to say whether a show is going to be successful simply by examining the first day of exhibit hall traffic. He should have a keen eye - both Rich and Nadji Tehrani have been in the tradeshow biz for over 25 years. You don't have successful tradeshows (such as ITEXPO) if you don't have good instincts. Well, Rich was the first to blog about GlobalComm's apparent failure after the show's opening day.  This was soon followed by others who also chimed in to express disappointment in the show.

Here's what Rich wrote at 12:56am on June 6th, just hours after the first day closed. He must have been in his hotel room checking email and blogging late. 12:56am? And Rich calls me a blogging machine??

Today was kind of a weird trade show day as Globalcomm was very empty compared to past Supercomm events. The TMC booth hardly saw a soul and exhibitors were fuming. I witnessed exhibits with massive amounts of empty space.

Others complained that the hall had too many vendors. Yet another complaint was that there was no press -- what am I invisible? True I have been trying to diet lately.wink

VoIP also expressed similar sentiments: "I think we all really wanted to believe that GLOBALCOMM would be SUPERCOMM's successor. After TelecomNEXT's rather dim outing, hope was held that some combination of Chicago, early June, and "COMM" in the name would resurrect some of that old glory. And while it wasn't a "bad" show, it's clear that the TIA and the USTA were much more successful working together than apart."

Brough Turner from NMSS posts a photo that says it all. It was taken on Wednesday @11:30am.

Andy also has some scathing commentary:
GlobalComm is supposed to replace SuperComm. Vonage is supposed to replace your old Phone company. What do they both have in common?

Their numbers are going down!!!

Nearly everyone here in Chicago is calling GlobalComm a total bust.

I guess it's a good thing I couldn't make the GlobalComm (non-)event nor the after parties. Andy says some guys were disappointed TMC didn't have professional cheerleaders like TMC invited last year to an after party. Maybe I'll tell Rich to add cheerleaders back into the marketing budget. Rich, if you can't get the L.A. Lakers Cheerleaders again, I might be able to round up a few Hooters girls - I hear they are attracted to red Dodge Vipers. ;)

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