VoIP on iPod Touch

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
Tom Keating
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VoIP on iPod Touch

VoIP on the iPod touch requires a few hacks. First, we need to hack in a microphone using Touch-4-VoIP. Check. Next, get someone to hack in a SIP application by loading the app from the command line into the iPod touch. Hmm, maybe we can use SvSIP, the very same SIP client used to VoIP-enable the Nintendo DS. Check. Now we just need to put it all together, make a SIP call and start talking on the iPod touch. Sweet, sweet success! 

Now that we know a SIP app can be loaded onto the iPod touch, I wonder how long before truphone, which VoIP-enabled the iPhone via a command line hack enables their SIP-based app to work on the iPod touch?

screenshots and info via touchmods article.
iPod Touch SIP Call

Note the Asterisk PBX user-agent:
iPod touch SIP VoIP call

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