Apple Wins: Can The Game Change

Carl Ford : 4G: For Generations to Come
Carl Ford

Apple Wins: Can The Game Change

It was not even close. 

The jury said yes to almost every single infringement Apple could think of short of the claim of making a tablet rectangular was Steve’s idea.  From Apple’s perspective it could not have a better launching pad for the iPhone5 as Samsung will not be able to ship anything and the rest of the Android community will be leery of being targeted if they launch a marketing campaign.

Even if Samsung gets the judge to overturn (some claims seem to far stretched to me about design but interaction claims look valid), or appeals to a higher court it is going to make for wounded marketing effort.  The only thing that went right from Samsung’s side is the $1B damages were a third of what it could have been.

APPL as a stock is going to get another boost with the iPhone5 running unopposed next month.  Americans may be divided on who they like politically, but everyone likes the iPhone.

Hmmm,  patent defense and market intimidation,  who does that sound like to you?  Teddy Vail, was the king of this at the start of the Bell System and the net neutrality debate team needs to look at the device folks more closely.  While I see Apple as a problem,  Martin Geddes countered “given the Apple board membership, Android was an ethically dubious move by Google. their propensity to bully every adjacent market into a price point of zero has just met its nemesis.”

Certainly App Developers are going to find it hard not to build specifically to the Apple SDK, so in addition to the boost from the iPhone5 will be the downloads and the 30% take on applications people will browse through on their new iPhone5.

For Marty Cooper and myself the good news is diversity of experiences is about to come along in a big way.  Android is going to have to do a redesign, while Microsoft and Nokia should be in a situation where they can grab some share (don’t expect more than 3M subscribers more given the numbers from the trial).  As stated in my previous blog it maybe that RIM becomes appealing again.  It also probably brings back the keyboard (I will be grateful).

Another silver lining is it means that the rest of the industry may focus on the web as the answer and push to make HTML5 the best possible solution.  Differentiation can be achieved by bring the mobile web to the user.   To me Apple’s environment feels very AOL like and I feel like the web in the end will prevail.

However for today, and for rest of the year,  the web is brought to you by the Disney like look and feel of Apple.

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