Suzanne Bowen : Monetizing IP Communications
Suzanne Bowen
37 yrs in telecom, teaching, blog & grant writing, biz development, marketing, & PR. Favorite moments in life involve time w/ family & friends, networking, IP communications industry verticals & horizontals, running, traveling, foreign languages
| 1. "Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition..." Barack Obama ..... 2. "One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who complain." By Thomas Sowell


From Powerpuff Mechanics to a Connected Cars Future

May 6, 2013

Thanks to Connected Cars 2013, we share the first of a series of audio podcast interviews with connected vehicle experts. Andrea Sroczynski, Telenor Connexion's Head of Region Germany / Head of Global Automotive Sales discusses her IT, telematics, and automobile dealership background, positive outlook as a women involved in M2M, and her company's role in the Connected Cars industry and the possibilities of M2M (machine to machine) with connected vehicles. The Connected Cars13 conference, which is co-located with LTE World Summit June 25 - 26, 2013 in Amsterdam, includes speakers from automotive OEMs such as Lamborghini's Mirdo Buzzoni and from the Connected Car ecosystem such as Telenor Connexion's Ms. Sroczynski and Audible's Guy Story.

As an aside I asked for Andrea's insight on being one of the few women involved in top level connected automobile career position in a positive way and says, "It is not normal that I am a lady in this industry.

Dotcom-Monitor VP Brad Canham on Website Monitoring Technology and Education

March 1, 2013

Web application monitoring, website monitoring for website and Internet performance improvement are important for customer retention, sales, trust, and respect. Visit a website that is down, that is slow, or that is not working like it should and you go to the competitor whose website is up and working great. Dotcom-Monitor's VP Brad Canhan answered questions posed by DIDXchange telecommunications and mobile service provider members, in general about Internet performance, but in specific about proactive Internet performance improvement and also what can go wrong such as hiring new, inexperienced services. We discussed what customers feel and see while participating in business on the internet as well as the technical stuff in the background such as routing and access problems and remote traceroute.

Sprint Velocity's Tim Johnson on Connected Vehicle and Mobile Opportunities

November 9, 2012

M2M and connected vehicle technology are significant topics because of the positive potential for increasing revenue and exciting diversification of services but also of retaining customers and making their lives more productive and convenient in one of their favorite places ... their cars. I jumped at the opportunity to interview Tim Johnson, Sprint Velocity's Global Business Development Manager, who is also a Connected Cars Conference presenter on November 13, 2012 in Dallas, Texas. Stream it by clicking here and clicking at the end of the description where it says "Download" at the end, or download it here to practically any mp3 player and listen offline even.

Mercedes-Benz Technologies and Driver Safety versus Autonomy

September 12, 2012

Working for a Canadian company AstraQom on a one year contract in their marketing program has been a cultural and technological joy for this Floridian. I visited Ottawa twice, once with a side trip to Gatineau Bier Fest and the Ottawa Running Races in May, since mid-July 2011. I also visited with city officials and business owners about their communications needs and ways for AstraQom to make a good difference in the community. I also wrote a blog post comparing the way people sell voIP and the way they sell cars which led me to start a series of audio podcasts with Mr. Jeff Mierins, owner of Star Motors, Dow Honda and other dealerships in Ottawa.
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