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Obama Tax Position Analysis

December 10, 2010 3:20 PM
The recent press conference where President Obama tried to sell tax cuts for those making over $250k while extending unemployment benefits for 13 months struck me as being odd but until I read Peggy Noonan's article titled From Audacity to Animosity, I couldn't understand what was so perplexing.

This portion of the article is most important:

President Obama was supposed to be announcing an important compromise, as he put it, on tax policy. Normally a president, having agreed with the opposition on something big, would go through certain expected motions. He would laud the specific virtues of the plan, show graciousness toward the negotiators on the other side—graciousness implies that you won—and refer respectfully to potential critics as people who'll surely come around once they are fully exposed to the deep merits of the plan.

Instead Mr. Obama said, essentially, that he hates the deal he just agreed to, hates the people he made the deal with, and hates even more the people who'll criticize it.

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Creating The Next Mortgage Crisis

December 8, 2010 11:08 PM
It is now racist to use credit scores

Without the US government pushing subprime loans for home purchasing which by definition are a risky product, there could be no start to the subprime housing bubble which eventually burst. Countless government agencies have been involved in the mortgage business for decades such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and laws such as the Community Reinvestment Act over time held banks accountable by forcing them to lower their lending standards so as not to charged with unfair lending practices.

In other words, if the government over decades and through both Republican and Democratic administrations did not get deeply involved with ensuring people with poor credit were getting loans, we would not have seen a sub-prime housing bubble or a bursting thereof.

This doesn't mean home prices wouldn't have corrected - we have seen many corrections over the years but this one would have been much milder if the government wasn't standing over the banks ready to call them racists and charging them with crimes for not lending to minorities who tend to have lower credit scores.

John Carney has an incredibly well-researched article on the topic and it should be read by anyone who does not want to see a repeat of the housing collapse.

Rather than looking at the real roots of the problem, the government has done an amazing job blaming Wall Street and just about anyone else they can find for the problem. Sure Wall Street played a role but the major distortion in the market came from the government and it amplified the pain of the crash because it amplified the rise in prices.

The facts are crucial to understand as the AP just reported that HUD is investigating mortgage lenders who require better credit scores than the government requires to get a mortgage. The issue they have is that minorities have lower credit scores and are subsequently not able to purchase as many homes.

There is no charge of discrimination based on race mind you but just on credit score.

The policies have "the effect of discriminating against African–Americans, Latinos, and residents of African–American and Latino neighborhoods across the nation," the National Community Reinvestment Coalition wrote in the complaints that it announced Wednesday.

So there you have it... Continue Reading...

Reagan is Right, Keynes is Wrong

December 1, 2010 1:33 PM
If each of us individually cannot borrow our way to prosperity, is it logical to believe that collectively we can do the same? Absolutely not. But that doesn't stop politicians from borrowing massive amounts of money from potentially hostile regimes to finance a virtual Ponzi scheme of promised entitlements.

Ronald Reagan said the following during his inauguration - "You and I as individuals, by borrowing, can live beyond our means but for only a limited period of time. Why then should we think that collectively, as a nation, we're not bound by that same limitation?"

He continued, "We must act today, in order to preserve tomorrow. Continue Reading...

Tea Party Race Card Played by Howard Dean

December 1, 2010 11:35 AM
We Continue to Believe the Democratic Politician Seems Most Reasonable When Screaming

Rather than seeing the Tea Party as what it is - a massive grass-roots movement initiated by Americans who are fed up with large government and re-distributive progressive ideals which end up hurting the very people they are supposedly helping, Dean once again plays the race card saying the Tea Party is uncomfortable with the current demographic shift in the US.

Dean does not let facts get in his way of course - totally ignoring that the Tea Party just elected more minorities than Democrats - instead, he goes on to show that the only thing less coherent than his screaming is his rambling.

While racism was often used to discredit the Tea Party in its early days, sane people have come to the realization that there are likely the same number of racists in the Tea Party as any other group of people such as Democrats or Republicans.

But rather than debate the merits of his arguments - for example, how can he explain taking more money from the private sector which is currently used to create jobs will create more jobs?

Morover, if most people start or grow new companies because of the potential to become wealthy, how can lowering the amount of wealth a person can achieve, increase the rate of new business creation and subsequently job creation?

Other arguments you will see Dean avoid are how can placing any able-bodied person on government assistance for many years or decades make them a productive member of society enabling the US to compete effectively with our new competitors in China and India.

Moreover, has anyone ever seen him address how borrowing money from countries with terrible human rights abuses - ones we don't consider allies, enables the US to negotiate for better rights in such countries?

We haven't.

No, for Howard Dean, the argument is that the Tea Party is racist and Republicans are bad because they believe that everyone should have the opportunity to succeed and by providing society with maximal opportunity, they have the maximal chance of becoming self-sufficient and potentially wealthy. Moreover, conservative principles achieve something no Democrat wants for the poor - the dignity of being able to provide for themselves - free of the need for government assistance.

America continues to be the land of opportunity and hordes of immigrants come to the US every year to escape large-government and/or religious/racial/class oppression, in order to start companies or work in other roles which help provide jobs for countless others.

Yet Democrats conveniently ignore the fact that someone with English as a second-language but the desire to make it to the top can come to the US and become incredibly successful. And they discard the fact that this happens regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation - in the US - we truly (for the most part) judge you based upon your character, knowledge, skills and ability.

Other countries have rigid class structures which encumber the entrepreneurs - people will ask you your last name and about your father and mother and use this information to ascertain if they should loan you money or give you an opportunity. Continue Reading...

Shakedown Socialism

November 30, 2010 10:18 AM

Oleg Atbashian of joined Alexis Garcia of PJTV to discuss his childhood in Russia where communism was painted as an ideal way to live. He later realized it wasn't - unless of course you like to stand in line for hours to get a loaf of bread - or be slaughtered by your dictator (benevolent comrade communist party leader).

As a Russian immigrant, he is ideally suited to write a book called Shakedown Socialism which details his concerns that the US is headed down the path towards socialism.

He says he can't believe he would have to write anti-socialist and anti-communist documents here in America - and frankly we are pretty surprised that the country has gotten to this point as well.

One of his points is that journalists seem to be obsessed by how much other people make.

Moreover he equates unions with communism - as they both espouse redistribution of wealth and "fairness". Not surprisingly, President Obama has been on record time and time again as a huge proponent of the idea and his policies are in lockstep with his words.

At one point in his interview he mentions the famous Margaret Thatcher quote, " The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." This quote is especially relevant as country after country in Europe is really running out of other people's money before our eyes.

Other important topics in the book include all the red flags (pun intended) which are going off as a result of analysis of Obama's foreign and domestic policy.

You can buy the book here.
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Federal Pay Cut Analysis

November 29, 2010 12:55 PM | 4 Comments
Today, President Obama proposed a freeze on federal pay for specific workers for a period of two years and we are left wondering why. After all, the President has said repeatedly that we need the public sector to get the economy "back on track" because the private sector cannot.

So if we cut spending in the public sector or at least cancel scheduled increases, does this mean we are acknowledging that the private sector is better equipped to get the economy moving?

Or is this move just a ploy to take steam away from Republicans who will be taking control of the House and pushing massive cost-cuts. We believe that Obama has not found religion on the issue and is trying to reduce the amount of credit the Republicans will get for future cost-cutting in the next election.

Moreover, he will now be able to make it seem like he cares about deficits and being fiscally responsible.

We hope of course that we are wrong and that Obama has decided to become fiscally conservative but this would not be consistent with the plurality of his speeches and actions.

But from a political standpoint, it is a smart move.

In the mean time, it is worth reading two recent articles in the USA Today on government versus private sector compensation. One discusses how many government workers make over $150,000 per year and the other discusses how federal wages and benefits are double what they are in the private sector.

Based on this information, wouldn't it make sense to announce federal pay cuts - not just a freeze?
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Democrats Compete to Kill Most Jobs

November 22, 2010 8:18 AM
And they wonder why companies are moving to Switzerland

The detachment of US politicians never ceases to amaze us - they blab on and on about made-up class divisions and talk endlessly about how wealthy need to pay their "fair share" - all the while never focusing on reality which is, anyone with the drive and ambition in the US can make it to the top and become wealthy.

The greatest irony of all of course is hearing about manufactured class divisions from President Obama - a minority who went from having a single parent and living on food stamps to Harvard and the Presidency - while becoming a millionaire!

And as if this were not not enough, each year, poor people from around the world escape their own countries to come to the US and many quickly become millionaires as well. And generally with immigrants, English is not their first language - putting them at a major disadvantage.

Instead of celebrating the hundreds of millions of people who have been pulled out of poverty worldwide because of the current US quasi-capitalist system and trying to help everyone make it to the top, leading Democrats like Pelosi, Reid and Barney Frank have continued their war on the productive job creators of this nation through policies, threats and speeches. Let us not forget Hillary Clinton who believes that no matter how much US tax payers shell out - it is not enough - and she says we need to emulate Brazil of all places. One wonders if the Democrats have a secret competition going on between them to see who can destroy the most jobs for their citizens.

Should anyone be surprised that after pumping trillions of dollars borrowed from other countries into our economy, it is not producing many if any jobs? Continue Reading...

Good News? Feds Waste Only $125B

November 17, 2010 6:29 AM
Hope, Change, Waste...

Larger government = more waste.
It doesn't take a genius to see California is in a perpetual cycle of increasing entitlements, overtaxing high-income earners who have left the state and penalizing businesses who are laying off or moving their operations elsewhere.

Pretty much what we are seeing happen on the federal level as well - and that is why California is a lot like Greece and the US is a lot like California.

Not good.

Hope + Change = Bankruptcy Filings up 11%

November 16, 2010 9:47 AM
The hope and change over a million people got this year was bankruptcy - and while Rome burned, President Obama and Queen Pelosi fiddled with healthcare. All the while, 11% more people went bankrupt this year over last. The good news is if these poor people can survive, living on the streets for the next few years, they will be able to have a government-paid trip to the doctor.

Might we suggest that next time we shouldn't be swayed to vote based on a one-word campaign sign or bumper sticker but instead find candidates who have some real-world experience fixing problems and can do more than read a teleprompter with enthusiasm.
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