Providing Upbeat Yet Realistic Marketing Messages

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Providing Upbeat Yet Realistic Marketing Messages

Yes, we are being bombarded with news of economic gloom and doom.  I've read about people choosing to avoid some cable news channels because they find them too depressing.

So how can you make your marketing messages focused yet still positive?

According to one blogger, it's essential to "make sure your payoff pays off," perhaps providing solutions that cut costs, not necessarily improve revenues.

Ardath Albee of the Marketing Interactions blog adivses to "focus on hope.... Right now a hopeful tone is 'persuasive and engaging.'"

A confident tone to your messages will be more positively received than playing on your prospects' fears.  But it's important to establish empathy with your potential customers and acknowledge the challenges they face.

By projecting a confident tone and offering valuable information, you come across as an ally who will help your prospects weather this widespread financial chill.


--Lorna Lyle