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That's What I Call Advertising

February 28, 2006

I think I can finally put a check next to "weirdest advertisements known to date."

While we're familiar with billboards, television commercials, print ads -- even ads on vehicles, no medium of advertising has ever caught my attention quite like this one.

Globat.com recently bought the rights to a man's head which shall be tattooed with their logo as of today, February 28, 2006.

Believe it or not, this was all made possible thanks to an eBay auction.

Here's a snippet from the release:

Mark Greenlaw, a father to three children and resident of Biddeford, Maine, came up with the idea to help support his growing family in early January. The auction was quickly seen by tens of thousands of people and attracted media interest with radio show appearances and newspaper mentions across the country before it came to the attention of Globat.com.

I guess it's not such a bad thing to be a permanent walking, talking advertisement for a company, because let's face it -- it's not like the company can pull their ad, you know? So when this is all over, what will happen to the fresk ink on�Mr. Greenlaw's�head? I guess�he can always grow some hair back over it.

Good luck with your new tattoo, Mr. Greenlaw. I hope it's not too painful.

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