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Shocking Evidence That Outsourcing Actually Works

July 11, 2005

It continually amazes me, after all this time, that the results of a successful outsourcing venture are still viewed as surprising. In the release below, we see some concrete results reported by Indiana-based HMO M-Plan regarding post-implementation results with its outsourced partner, Beryl.

This reminds me of a�television commercial that aired a few years ago�(I do not remember for which computer hardware/services company) in which a company's�upper management gathers for its usual nightmarish weekly�IT troubleshooting meeting. Turns out, the company turned all its IT functions over to said (forgotten) hardware/services company.

" problems now? Then what are we going to talk about at this meeting?" asked the CEO anxiously.

"Shirts," replied one of his employees. "Remember...we make shirts? Let's talk about them." The message, obviously, is that if you outsource your housekeeping headaches, you can concentrate on your core business.

I commend Beryl and M-Plan for making these results available. We at CIS talk outsourcing until we turn blue, but it seems that the message is not always gotten, or it's still viewed with suspicion. It's only case studies such as these that allow organizations still slogging through their own customer care to see what they could be accomplishing by *not* attempting to accomplish it.


Beryl Publishes Case Study Demonstrating Value of Outsourced Call Center to M-Plan, One of Indiana's Largest HMOs

DALLAS, July 11 /PRNewswire/ -- The Beryl Companies, the nation's largest healthcare-exclusive customer interaction center, has published a case study demonstrating the value of its partnership with Indianapolis-based, M-Plan.

The HMO began searching for a call center outsource partner after a troubling conversion to a new computer system and the acquisition of a large new client with thousands of new members. The result was a flood of member calls that overwhelmed the telecommunications system, increased caller wait times, contributed to high call abandonment rates, and produced sharply lower member satisfaction scores.

M-Plan chose Beryl as its outsourced partner based on its reputation for providing unparalleled customer service, its teamwork approach, its ability to quickly learn and understand the challenges facing the client, and its commitment to helping its clients successfully achieve their goals.
The case study shows Beryl's ability over the past 24 months to significantly reduce caller wait times, dramatically reduce call abandonment rates, and significantly increase member satisfaction scores. Based on its successful performance, Beryl's relationship with M-Plan has expanded to include a variety of caller services including benefit coverage, member eligibility, PCP referrals, network and address changes, ID card requests, and out bound new member welcome calls.

To obtain a copy of the case study, visit Beryl's Web site at .
Since 1985, more than 500 hospitals, hospital systems, insurance plans and other healthcare organizations have trusted their customers to The Beryl Companies. In that time, Beryl's call advisors have served more than 16 million callers by providing physician/service referrals, health information, telephone nurse triage and class/seminar registration to hospital callers and enrollment and benefit information to insurance plan members. A million more have interacted with Beryl via email and the Internet. The Dallas Business Journal has named Beryl one of the "Best Places to Work" in the Dallas/Fort Worth area for three consecutive years. More information about Beryl is available at .

M-Plan, one of the largest health plans in Indiana, was organized in 1989. It is one of the few provider-owned health plans in Indiana, and is a wholly- owned subsidiary of The Healthcare Group, LLC. M-Plan offers two products: M-Plan, the commercial health plan and Senior Smart Choice, a Medicare Cost product.

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