UPI Vision Rounds Out Eco-Sustainability Efforts

Greg Galitzine : Green Blog
Greg Galitzine
| Helping environmentally-conscientious business leaders choose environmentally-friendly solutions.

UPI Vision Rounds Out Eco-Sustainability Efforts

Data centers typically are high users of energy because of their cooling requirements; in fact, nationally, data centers are responsible for between 1 percent and 2 percent of total power consumption.

Designed to maximize sustainability, global collaboration and innovation, Panduit's new LEED-certified world headquarters building will leverage state-of-the-art visibility and control into all critical building systems, integrated and aligned under a single, unified and "intelligent" infrastructure.
According to the U.S. Green Building Council, LEED is an "internationally recognized green building certification system that provides third-party verification that a building or community was designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance across all the metrics that matter most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts."
LEED provides building owners and operators - including Panduit and its customers - a concise framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions.
Panduit's top sustainability goals relative to its new headquarters include a UPI-based connected building solution to optimize energy use at the new facility and fostering initiatives designed to optimize the enterprise infrastructure that are good both for business and for the planet.
But the company's eco-sustainability priorities go beyond convergence of critical systems to drive space savings and energy efficiencies.
Other efforts include: maintaining current compliance with applicable laws/regulations; reducing energy usage and operating costs across all facilities/locations through modern HVAC systems, daylight harvesting, indirect lighting solutions, and maximized space utilization; the use of recycled materials and the creation of recycling programs for employees; preservation of conservation areas, walking trails, natural water filtration; and long-term flexibility of future facilities. Panduit also monitors and reports greenhouse gas emissions at all U.S. manufacturing units.

And to accomplish its eco-sustainability goals, Panduit cannot go it alone. To quote the company's Director of Integrated Marketing Communications Anil Maheshwari: "It is a journey to achieve a truly unified physical infrastructure and it cannot be provided exclusively by Panduit. A wide range of physical and logical devices are required to create a unified physical infrastructure, as well as the services required to design, deploy and operate. It is accomplished through an eco-system of partners - integration, design, deployment - and technology alliances."

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