Become a Carbon Hero

February 26, 2008
With more and more people becoming conscious of their environmental responsibilities these days, the focus on reducing global warming has escalated.
To this end, more people are looking for ways they can do their part to become green and reduce their carbon footprint.
Now, a new device that helps increase peoples awareness is helping them to become a 'Carbon Hero.'
That’s what Andreas Zachariah, a graduate student from the Royal College of Art in London and inventor of Carbon Hero and Oxford graduate student Nick Burch are saying about their product, the Carbon Hero.
The new device is a personal carbon calculator that detects movement using satellite navigation and displays a user's carbon footprint on their mobile phone.
Becoming more aware of ones own contributions, and the difference they can make by choosing a different method of travel, can have a positive impact on green initiatives.  
“If you go on a diet you want to see if all that effort has made a difference so you weigh yourself. The beauty of our system is that it’s easy; you have a ’weighing scale’ on you all the time giving you your carbon footprint. When you make the effort to walk instead of taking the car you can immediately see the result, so it feels more worthwhile doing it and you are more likely to stick with it,” Zachariah was quoted as saying in this ScienceDaily report.
And not only can this new device help users personally discover and adjust their impact on the environment but also, businesses looking at the benefits of going green, can find benefit in using Carbon Hero as well.
“Companies that use Carbon Hero could present the results in their annual report, together with other ways in which they are helping the environment. It is easy to document carbon emissions from heating and electricity; now with Carbon Hero, companies can also document CO2 emissions from business travel,” Zachariah was also quoted as saying.
Check it out for yourself at

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Comments to Become a Carbon Hero

  1. Green Eggs Matty :

    This is a great post -- I think the more environmental efforts can be included into our daily lives, leveraging every-day objects like cell phones, the better. It's tough to get people to raise their level of consciousness -- even to do things like be adamant about recycling in the office. So every little bit helps, and making it easy is surely one great way to go.

    Matty Byloos
    Green Eggs and Planet

  1. Linds@Go Green :

    This is a fascinating invention and remarkably effective, I am sure.

    I wonder how long it will be until this could be an offered, free feature on mobile phones? Would that ever happen?

    - Linds@Go Green Blog

  1. NiraliSherni :

    Thanks for the free white paper.Carbon hero sounds like a good monitor to check your personal pollution quotient. This should bring about some awareness among people what impact they are personally having on the environment so that they can take steps to check it. Good innovation!

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