ITEXPO West 2010 Officially Over

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ITEXPO West 2010 Officially Over

ITEXPO West 2010 Los Angeles Exhibit Hall

More ITEXPO West 2010 photos

As I wait here in LAX Airport - I continue to decompress from what was the largest ITEXPO ever. There were more booths and content that at any previous TMC event - ever. We partnered with a record number of groups and provided content as wide ranging from CDMA development to optical to smart grid.

Generally the sessions were packed and we learned a great deal about your preferences and expect us to keep content areas where rooms were filled and delete topics which were not so much.

My conversations in the industry were upbeat and positive in general - Avaya showed Flare off multiple times, ShoreTel is moving upmarket, Xirrus is doing its part to replace wired Ethernet and the smart grid, MSP, 4G and M2M spaces seem to hold much promise for growth.

So thank you all for coming to the show - and especially those of you braved the record traffic, accidents and mudslides & green flag alert due to the massive LA storm to be there. I heard numerous stories of people who couldn't make it to the center and we almost had to cancel a keynote due to the massive traffic delays our speaker was stuck in. In fact if you weren't in an HOV lane you likely could not get to the show via freeway I am told.

I want to especially thank our loyal attendees and sponsors/customers who not only came to the show but took time from their busy schedules to suggest ways we can improve and reflect on the growth of the show.

And of course - thanks TMC team - you are the real rock stars behind the show and we could not have done it without you. We had a record number of ITEXPO "show virgins" HR may be reading Tongue out - "first timers" at the show and they were great.