Meet With Polycom's Stefan Karapetkov at ITEXPO

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Meet With Polycom's Stefan Karapetkov at ITEXPO

Stefan Karapetkov is the Emerging Technologies Director at Polycom and I've known him as a voice and video expert since I met him at a VON event over ten years ago. I believe he worked at Siemens at the time. I noticed Stefan just posted a page on his Video Networker blog with regards to all of the speaking engagements he has at the show and collocated events. He is very knowledgeable and worth listening to. This is the second web page I've seen today dedicated to ITEXPO schedules from speakers... The other was from Dan York.

I look forward to seeing all the speakers and you at the show next week in Miami. Here is an excerpt from his post:

My next week will be very busy because ITEXPO and other industry events are running in parallel in Miami, Florida. I looked through the schedule and - as of today - I will be presenting in five sessions: three of them are part of ITEXPO while the other two are part of the Ingate Summit.

My first session at ITEXPO is on February 2 at 1:30pm local time and is titled “How Does The Traditional Desktop Phone Fit Into The Evolving Enterprise User Experience?” Frank Stinson from Intellicom Analytics is moderating and I will be sitting next to speakers representing other business phone makers. This session will explore how the trend to Unified Communications impacts the way people access voice services – through telephones but also through soft clients, smart phones, and tablet devices. How should desktop telephones evolve in this environment and how are desktop phone manufacturers planning to increase the value of their products given evolving user expectations?

Then on February 3 at 1pm I will present in the session “Making Telepresence Affordable and Reliable” which will be moderated by TMC Executive Director Paula Bernier and will also include Matt Collier from LifeSize Communications. This session will discuss the perception that telepresence is expensive and will clog your network with HD video traffic. My talk will focus on the reduced network bandwidth consumption (i.e. minimizing or avoiding IP network upgrades) and on the new network architectures that allow for virtualization of conference resources shared within the entire organization or deployed by service providers to serve vast user communities.