Snom Riding Lync Wave to Success

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Snom Riding Lync Wave to Success

In a recent meeting with Snom’s Mike Storella in the company’s office in Massachusetts, I had a chance to learn how the company is riding the Microsoft Lync wave to success. One of the early differentiators they touted was Lync phones which allowed multiple lines – an essential feature for many, including executives who don’t answer their own phones.

This early flexibly caught the attention of Microsoft – not to mention a number of Fortune class companies who needed such features.

Mike touted other features as well like the company being first to allow device-based music-on-hold for Lync as well as being first to qualify a device for the Microsoft Lync 2013 compatible devices program.

Storella then showed me some of the features of the phones working with Lync such as ad hoc conference calling, click to dial, call transfer (all pictured below) and more.


Snom phones more recently became plug-and-play ready with Lync and the company’s 710 phone cost less than $100 with two lines which Storella reminded us is less than you might pay for your headset.

It’s been about a decade or so that the IP communications market worried about SIP compatibility – with phones then trunks and now Lync is becoming another area of focus for phone vendors as it is rapidly gaining marketshare.

To see the phones in action and how they can facilitate better working with Microsoft Lync don’t miss Snom’s exhibit at ITEXPO next week in Las Vegas.