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Archives of all blog posts:
Illegal Wiretapping - Not so Easy
Google Data Retention Policy Under Scrutiny and Part of a Contradiction
National Security Letters, the FBI and Wiretapping
DoJ Files Deficiency Petition with FCC over J-STD-025B
What is a Mediated Probe?
New LI Standard for ISP data
How long do I get to implement a wiretap request?
Do Probes Provide Complete Solutions for VoIP?
Doesn't a Probe actively intercept traffic?
Filing date for CALEA "Monitoring Report" upon us
FBI's Carnivore went quiet but methods under scrutiny again
Bush Administration Changes Stance on "Unauthorized" Wiretapping
LI Evolution - the pace quickens
A call for more standards
CALEA Milestone Dates Released
The value of collected information
Report on ISS World
ISS World is coming up
Variety of "wiretaps"
The number of intercepts is lower than you would think
Current CALEA Deadline
Demystifying LI
Glad to be here
About Me

Archive of Demystifying Lawful Intercept and CALEA Comments

Note: Only 1 comment per blog entry is listed even if mutliple comments are posted. The total number of comments per blog entry is listed in parentheses, i.e. (5)
DoJ Files Deficiency Petition with FCC over J-STD-025B (2)
Scott Coleman wrote: Raindeer: I would agree that lawful intercept "isn't that hard", nor is provisioning, billing, network management and the myriad of other services and functions that a telecom provider needs to imple...[Full comments on DoJ Files Deficiency Petition with FCC over J-STD-025B]

Illegal Wiretapping - Not so Easy (1)
Diomidis Spinellis wrote: While I agree that setting up the wiretapping software in the Vodafone case was not easy, this does not mean that lawful interception facilities don't pose a significant risk. Consider the following ...[Full comments on Illegal Wiretapping - Not so Easy]

National Security Letters, the FBI and Wiretapping (2)
Scott Coleman wrote: Steve, Thanks for the timely comment. If it turns out that there was mis-use or abuse then I certainly hope the appropriate due course of justice is served. I was really focusing on the differenc...[Full comments on National Security Letters, the FBI and Wiretapping]

Report on ISS World (2)
Scott Coleman wrote: Hi Arahata, Thanks for your comment. ISS World is produced by a company called Telestrategies and more specifically by the husband/wife team of Jerry and Tatiana Lucas. The link to the latest ISS W...[Full comments on Report on ISS World]