A New Year to Make a Difference - A Little Bit At A Time

Chuck Rutledge : Now Market It
Chuck Rutledge
Sr. Mktg & Biz.Development Executive who excels at identifying, and capitalizing, on opportunities that drive revenues & growth. Introduced new products and services, and opened up new markets for Fortune 500 companies & start ups.

A New Year to Make a Difference - A Little Bit At A Time

Happy New Year! 

It is the time of year to start fresh and look forward to the New Year with optimism and hope.  The last year has been difficult for many.  People from all professions, large companies and small, have faced a variety of challenges.  Many have been frustrated by an economy where the growth is very limited and the focus of many businesses is how to get by with less.

Perhaps making it more frustrating is the magnitude and breadth of apparent problems, and the ability for an individual to have any impact.

As I look to the New Year, I am asking myself how I can change things in small ways that make a difference.  Are there things we could all do to make a collective difference?  Here are my simple common sense intentions for the coming year:

1)   Count my blessings.  We all have aspects of our lives that are good and fulfilling.  I plan to be more mindful of all the good in my life and put that positive energy to work.

2)   Look for opportunities to help others.  There are no shortages of opportunities to help people you know in small ways.  I plan to try to take a little more time to provide assistance to those around me who could use some help.

3)   Now the hard one - Get more engaged in the elections.  At all levels of government, those who are supposed be representing us – seem to be representing their own interests.  I plan to look beyond the demagoguery and TV commercials.  Just like I would look at a new hire, I will look at past actions, integrity and work ethic, holding candidates accountable with my vote.   

Have a great 2012 and share your thoughts for the New Year.

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