Graham Francis : The SIP School
Graham Francis
| The SIP Blog is just that; with opinion and analysis on all things SIP in the world of VoIP

February 2011

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Enterprise Connect

February 15, 2011

It's been a while since my last blog and although a poor reason, it's because things are going crazy at The SIP School.  More content, more clients, more partnerships - it's just a mad time but one that's showing the thirst for SIP knowledge is growing at a fast rate.

I just wanted to post a recent press release about my visit to Enterprise Connect at the end of the month and what I'll be up to.  It's going to be interesting seeing all the new offerings from the BIG players and also see what they think about the SIP Survey that's currently being conducted.

Take a peek and if you'll be there, let me know...

~~~~~~~~~~  PR ~~~~~~~~~~

SIP Facts Not Fiction Revealed by the SIP School and Techistan at Enterprise Connect

Contributing to truth and business development in VoIP and SIP-related business is a quest of The SIP SchoolTechistan online magazine, DIDXchange and thousands of others who will participate in Enterprise Connect Feb. 29 - March 3, 2011 in Orlando, Florida.