China's 'Pitchfork Rebellion'

May 25, 2006

From time to time over the past couple of years, I have received press releases from Radio Free Asia, such as this one today: "China Sentences Dongzhou Villagers For Their Part in Clashes."

Many of these releases seemed to be stories about violent clashes in rural China that were not widely reported outside the country. I was puzzled by these reports until I read "Inside the Pitchfork Rebellion" in Time magazine. It turns out to be quite an interesting story, connected with China's rapid economic development.

As I understand it, rural protesters in China are claiming that local government officials are selling communal land out from under them to get money from developers. Protests have led to violence and the jailing of dissenters, who say they have very little legal recourse within the conflict.

If you're interested in the topic of globalization, it makes a fascinating story to look into.

AB -- 5/25/06

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