Google Base Wants Whatever You've Got

November 16, 2005

Today Google released the beta of a new publicly searchable�knowledge base�that allows you to upload your own stuff to it -- see "New Service Expands Google's Reach," the AP story from�Wednesday morning for details.

I'm not sure whether this is part of Google's carefully-constructed�master plot to take over the world, or whether they're just throwing spaghetti against the wall to see if it sticks. In any case, if a lot of people start using it, it seems to me that Google Base could potentially grow into a huge depository of all kinds of information and content. Just to start out with, Google Base is accepting content in these areas:

And you can create your own "item type."

To try it out, I used it to enter a job listing. Here's the opening page for Google Base:

I entered my Help Wanted ad in the system. Here's what�it looks like in Preview mode:

And here's my own cool personalized Google Base dashboard, where I can manage my content on Google Base:

AB -- 11/16/05

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