Bureau Veritas to Get Global Virtual Network From Vanco

May 10, 2006
Virtual network operator (VNO) Vanco is announcing a contract with Bureau Veritas to provide a global network that will tie together about 500 locations in 99 countries.
Vanco will put together a hybrid multi-carrier solution using MPLS, IPSec, leased lines, DSL, wireless and satellite. The network will allow Bureau Veritas to centralize application servers and hosting and will support data applications, VoIP and IP video.
Bureau Veritas, headquartered in Paris, was founded in 1828. The company provides conformity assessment, particularly in the areas of health, safety, environment and social responsibility. Bureau Veritas says it works in markets such as "marine, construction, industry, energy, consumer goods, transport and services." As examples, the organization says it might get involved in "verifying the different steps of a building's construction, testing materials or consumer goods, surveying ships or reviewing offshore construction plans, controlling the environmental impact of an industrial plant, inspecting goods before shipment in a port, or certifying products or systems."
Vanco describes itself as a pioneer of the VNO model. The company doesn't own telecom infrastructure, so it is free to source whatever carrier solution it needs for any situation in 230 countries and territories. Among its enterprise customers, Vanco numbers British Airways, Siemens, Ford Motor Company, Avis Europe, Pilkington and Virgin Megastores.
AB -- 5/9/06

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