Tom Ridge on VoIP Makes the News

January 27, 2006

Gov. Tom Ridge's keynote Thursday morning at Internet Telephony Conference and Expo got picked up by some news outlets, including:

ZDNet's Russell Shaw: "Tom Ridge: gotta love VoIP, but intercepts are necessary"

Key quote:

But as to threats from human, rather than natural sources, Ridge sounded unequivocal in his position that it is OK for the National Security Agency to intercept phone calls of suspected terrorists or their associates. He believes that such intercepts should also include VoIP calls.

Rhonda Ascierto in Computer Business Review: "VoIP critical to US security says former DHS chief"

Key quote:

Ridge noted that during the Katrina Hurricane disaster in New Orleans last year, the local command center, faced with jammed satellite phones, downed landlines and cell phone towers, relied on VoIP.

"All other systems failed, so they decided to use the Internet to create their own call centers. It shows the application of what you do to help our first responders," Ridge said.

As well as TMCnet's Erik Linask: "Tom Ridge Gives VoIP a Nod, Cites Lack of Communication in New Orleans"

Key quote:

Ridge is, in fact, a proponent of the benefits of VoIP technology, specifically its mobility, cost, and ubiquity. The truth is, VoIP telephony can be a benefit not only in combating terrorism, but in any catastrophic situation, or WMEs (Weapons of Mass Effect), as Governor Ridge labeled the recent hurricanes that struck the Gulf Coast. Imagine the benefit if first responders could have access to precise location information, images, video, and data transmission in emergency situations, whether terrorism, weather, or accident.

AB -- 1/27/06

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