FreedomPop for iPod Touch - Free 4G Internet Coming!

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
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FreedomPop for iPod Touch - Free 4G Internet Coming!

Skype founder Niklas Zennstrom's new FreedomPop, a 4G broadband "free" wireless internet provider, which recently announced FREE 4G wireless internet for iPhone using the Freedom Sleeve 4G for iPhone 4/4s will soon launch the Freedom Sleeve for the iPod Touch. Yeah, that's right, I said FREE 4G wireless internet - with some small caveats of course...

FreedomPop provides up to 1GB of free internet every month to users of their service. With Freedom Sleeve for the iPod Touch you can get 4G speed, which is up to 15x faster than 3G. Considering the iPod Touch doesn't have any carrier data/Internet capabilities - just WiFi, this product nearly upgrades the iPod Touch to a full iPhone. Technically it's data only - not voice, so if you want to make/receive calls you'll have to use FaceTime or a VoIP client such as CounterPath's Bria, Skype, or other mobile VoIP app.

freedompop-pop-slide-into-sleeve.pngSo how does it work? It works quite simply - you simply slide your iPod Touch into the FreedomPop sleeve and your iPod Touch will make a Wi-Fi connection to the FreedomPop sleeve's Wi-Fi hotspot capabilties. The sleeve itself makes a 4G connection to FreedomPop's 4G network, which technically is Clearwire's 4G network.

The new iPod Touch version will launch in a few days. Assuming the specs on the iPod Touch are the same as the iPhone version you will be able to extend battery life up to 6 hours, have 100% FREE Wi-Fi for up to 8 devices (Wi-Fi hotspot), 500MB FREE broadband every month, and up to 1GB FREE broadband simply by referring friends. You can buy additional capacity for just $10 per GB. Importantly, there is no contract, no commitment, and you can cancel anytime. Here's a video demo of the iPhone version in action:

I like the sleeve concept, but on the other hand many people like their iPhone & iPod Touch bumper cases, which are often colored or have custom designs. You cannot use the FreedomPop sleeve with a bumper case. Further, why doesn't FreedomPop come up with a standalone 4G-to-WiFi hotspot device, similar to the Verizon MiFi, which works with any mobile device - iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, etc.? I suppose the benefit of the sleeve is you don't have another device to carry around or forget. The sleeve is always connected to your iPhone or iPod Touch so you never forget it.

Of course, you could buy the FreedomPop sleeve and not insert it into an iPhone or iPod Touch. It has its own battery power source, so assuming the Wi-Fi hotspot still works when not "docked" to an Apple device, you could simply use the product like a standalone 4G-to-Wi-Fi hotspot. Very cool product. Must have one for review! smiley-laughing

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