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Creditor Integrates TARGUSinfo

September 15, 2005

TARGUSinfo, a provider of on-demand data, today announced an agreement with online credit information provider MicroBilt Corporation wherein MicroBilt will integrate TARGUSinfo’s on-demand identification and verification services into the Web site. The move is intended to strengthen MicroBilt's ability to fight identity fraud.

TARGUSinfo’s on-demand data are designed to optimize all consumer interaction, whether over the phone, online or in the store.

MicroBilt will incorporate TARGUSinfo’s data into its pre-screening product for credit applications, not only to validate consumer information such as phone numbers, names and addresses, but also to verify that the data actually belong to that consumer. Because of the recent alarming spat of identity theft, credit grantors are unsurprisingly eager to include authentication tools in a pre-screening environment as a defense against identity fraud.

The full announcement can be found here.



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