Contact Center Monitoring Software, Hosted Dialing Price Misdirection, Spanish Contact Centers, Mobile Video Conferencing

David Sims : First Coffee
David Sims
| CRM, ERP, Contact Center, Turkish Coffee and Astroichthiology:

Contact Center Monitoring Software, Hosted Dialing Price Misdirection, Spanish Contact Centers, Mobile Video Conferencing

Spectrum Corporation has recently featured their contact center monitoring software aids in Contact Center Activity Monitoring (CCAM), which company officials describe as “a subset of Unified Contact Center Reporting.”

CCAM, as they explain, is the process of collecting data from the call center applications. And if your experience matches that of most other contact centers, your challenge is probably not the data that is generated, heck, collecting loads of data is the easy part. No, your issue is, most likely, simply accessing the data and figuring out something intelligent to do with it that will help your company.

That’s where Spectrum might be able to help you. The company uses different methods to extract data from siloed systems and warehouses, getting the data out of limbo and working for you.

The benefits of this approach are that Spectrum can monitor many call center applications and can extract data from these siloed systems, and their custom-built applications and spreadsheets can be monitored and data extracted so unique data gets used.

Read more here.

“Is simplicity and clarity in pricing too much to ask?” So wonders the LiveVox blogger, and sorry to say, in many cases yes, in fact, it is.

In a recent blog post titled “The Hosted Dialing Pricing Misdirection,” LiveVox officials noted that “vendors work hard to cast their products in the best light.” Fair enough, no problem with that, of course. But the title of the post lets you know what’s coming.

In the hosted outbound application space, where we’re talking about such tools as outbound IVR, broadcast messaging and dialers, as the blogger notes, “some vendors will excite contact center prospects with the idea that they will cap all calls at a quarter, meaning no matter how long a call goes the contact center will pay no more than $0.25 for it.”

Of course the implication here is that you have enough calls of five minutes or over to realize some savings from the arrangement -- five cents a minute is a standard price. So from the sixth minute on you’re talking for free. As LiveVox reports after analyzing millions of calls, however, fewer than one-fifth of one percent, 0.016 percent for you neat freaks, of all calls pass the five minute threshold.

Read more here.

Spanish language contact center solutions professionals know that Hispanic consumers represent the fastest growing market segment in America today. Does your company know that?

To find out, take this instant quiz – are you equipped to sell and service your product lines in a bilingual Spanish and English environment? Have you integrated your Hispanic direct market and Internet effort with a quality outbound and inbound response program? Are you using the best Hispanic and Spanish telemarketing lists to drive your campaign results? And the most critical question: Will your Hispanic telemarketing or customer service campaign really outshine your competitor's?

According to the Spanish language contact center pros at Hispanic Call Centers, if you want to find answers to those questions, you might want to look into an integrated product and service package. A good one can give you the promotion, fulfillment, direct response TV, call and Internet contact service, print ads, and specialized databases not otherwise readily available in Spanish or English.

Read more here.

A recent examination of the mobile video conferencing market from industry observer Ellyne Phneah made two major observations about the industry.

Phneah cites Subha Rama, enterprise communications senior analyst at ABI Research, saying that the growing popularity of the iPhone 4 and FaceTime “simplified video conferencing with a simple on-screen interface,” and as a result, “prompted many vendors and managed services providers to extend the room and desktop experience to the mobile environment.”

Yet there are two major issues. For one, Phneah says, the consumer case is lacking.

She reports that Pranabesh Nath, industry manager at Frost & Sullivan’s ICT Practice, saying that while both business users and consumers are set to benefit from new developments in video conferencing, in the enterprise world “its potential to grow is immerse as video becomes more tightly integrated with all aspects of business communications,” in Phneah’s words.

Read more here.


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