David Sims : First Coffee
David Sims
| CRM, ERP, Contact Center, Turkish Coffee and Astroichthiology:

CRM and Mobile Banking in Britain, Transitioning Customers to IPv6, Be Nice to MDM Customers

January 3, 2012

Hm, it appears the Brits don’t much fancy mobile banking.

Not that they’re unaware of it. According to industry observer Gill Montia, KPMG’s latest Consumer & Convergence Report found that UK consumers and businesses are actually “ahead of the curve when it comes to adopting new technologies.”

These are not the technologically faint of heart, these British -- “both online shopping and the use of social media are more widespread in Britain than in other parts of the globe,” Montia says.

When they do indulge in mobile banking, however, they’re generally smartphones owners.

Forecasting Call Center Staffing Needs, Expense Report Help, Healthcare Mobile Adoption, Assuring Service

December 20, 2011

If you’re trying to manage a call center workforce, we don’t need to tell you that accurate forecasting is critical to achieving the results you can. It’s not like understaffing or overstaffing are really all that different from each other in the long run, both stink.

A good recent blog post from Monet Software discusses this issue, pointing out that to avoid the twin bugaboos of under- and overstaffing, “you need methods that precisely predicts how many agents are needed to handle the center's contact volume.”

And to do that, here’s Madame Sosostris with her crystal ball. Yes, it’s a challenge.

Getting CEM Right, Protecting Customer Data, Contact Center Jobs, Customer SLA Reports

December 16, 2011

Let us know if this sounds familiar: A company decides to adopt Customer Experience Management, they get all kinds of feedback, sit back and think “Okay, now what?” What to actually, you know, do with all this?

As a good recent blog post from NICE put it, “there is a long road between the first step of the CEM journey and the end goal of world class practice.” In fact, almost nobody gets there without some help along the way. If you can, well, our hat’s off to you. Consider yourself part of the real one percent.

NICE offers help for the rest of us in the 99 percent, with Fizzback.

CRM Trends for 2012, Contact Center Quality Measurement, Agent Shrinkage, Contact Center Fluctuations

December 13, 2011


End customers are increasingly aware of what CRM systems are capable of. So says industry observer Ian Whiting, who adds that in 2012, customers “will be even more insistent that businesses deal with them as they expect.”

Writing in CIO magazine, Whiting offers some CRM trends CIOs should watch for in 2012.

CRM Trends, Customer Service Tech for 2012, IVRs and Biometrics, IVR and Customer Service Staffing

December 9, 2011



End customers are increasingly aware of what CRM systems are capable of. So says industry observer Ian Whiting, who adds that in 2012, customers “will be even more insistent that businesses deal with them as they expect.”

Writing in CIO magazine, Whiting offers some CRM trends CIOs should watch for in 2012.

Anywhere, anytime.

CRM Reaching Customers, Your Customers Need Fax, Software Licensing, The NBA's Customer Service

December 8, 2011


An essay published in Forbes recently detailed a British CRM industry insider’s efforts to explain to Americans “the role of CRM in protecting your brand.”

As Anthony Leaper of SAP notes, “it’s what happens after the sale that’s of interest to me today.”

He starts with the correct observation that it’s not enough simply to link your CRM system to your supply chain system to see if you can meet customers’ orders on time, your CRM system must also be how you “experience of your brand throughout the life of your relationship with your customer.”

He gives the example of a big-ticket item vendor with integration within the CRM system “so tight that the ordering and fulfillment systems have looked at existing stock levels, made commitments, and coordinated delivery,” and as a result are able to tell a customer “precisely when she can expect the truck to pull up at her house.”

And yes, at the appointed juncture sure enough, on a rainy day in London there is the truck. Only it’s not from the actual vendor, but a company acting for the vendor. All good -- but what if one of the items the person has been waiting for has been damaged somewhere along the line, after it left the Roland factory?

Read more here.

Customers and Chat Translation, Lead Management Best Practices, Don't Leave Your Customer, IVR in Retail

December 2, 2011

Lionbridge Technologies, a provider of Geofluent, a chat translation technology, has released a white paper entitled, “Taking Online Support Global,” which discusses six key considerations for contact center executives.

First, evaluate your call center footprint. According to the paper, multilingual real-time chat capabilities can be utilized to revamp your call center strategies, since agents don’t need multilingual capabilities to provide support in multiple languages. This might be a trifle difficult to believe at first, but the fact is, one English-speaking agent can conduct several simultaneous chat sessions in multiple languages.

Second, take a holistic approach. You’ll need the right technical foundation for this, but once you have it multilingual online chat translation can be “just the start of a broader global support strategy,” since you can do things like translate knowledge-base content, and work with online support forums, emails, Web pages and more.

Win Back Customers, Contact Center Budgeting Help, Marketing to Dead Accounts, Call Recording Exemptions

December 1, 2011

Funny enough, this reporter just completed an assignment looking at how many email marketers send to dead accounts -- defined as accounts where nobody’s clicked on an email for 40 months (the answer: 54 percent. That is a lot.)

Now I’m looking at Janine Popick’s list of ways to win back old customers via email.

Step #1: Make sure the account you’re sending to is a live one. It helps.

Popick is the founder and CEO of VerticalResponse. She knows her business.

Cloud Contact Center Platforms, Kindle Customers Penguinless, Voice Management CRM Down Under, Wake Up!

November 28, 2011

Isn’t capacity planning for cash and equipment a good idea? You’d think so, but you’d be outing yourself as a dinosaur, evidently.

According to LiveVox’s recent blog post, it’s time to keep an eye on “the ability of contact centers to get financing for capital investments like new technology” over the coming months, since as they see it, “corporate lending for capital improvements is still difficult to secure, especially in the small-to-medium business (SMB) space.”

Nobody knows when such funding is coming back, LiveVox says, warning that while “otherwise stable companies might be caught in macroeconomic forces when it comes to raising capital,” one option is to turn to LiveVox’s area of specialty, cloud contact center platforms.

Read more here.

Kindle’s library-style loan capability is one of the more attractive features of the Kindle, but it appears there are still some kinks to be worked out.

Penguin Group (USA), a sizeable publisher, has suspended putting e-editions of new books out for loan on the Kindle, citing “new concerns about the security of our digital editions," according to Penguin officials.

As PC Magazine explains, “Amazon formally launched its library book lending program in September, which allows Kindle and Kindle app users to borrow e-books from more than 11,000 libraries in the United States.”

Kindle users can search for the book they want on the library, check it out using a valid library card and select the "Send to Kindle" option, when they must sign in with their Amazon account.

According to the Associated Press, the publisher “did not cite any specific titles in its release and did not immediately respond to requests to clarify its security concerns.”

Read more here.

Customers and Smartphone Freedom, B2B Customers and Christmas, Improve SMB UM, Contact Center Restructuring

November 21, 2011

All hail FleshEatingZipper.com and The Smartphone Manifesto! Forget the Occupy Wall Street kiddos, we are proposing Genuine Revolution! Unfortunately we can’t condense it all down to 140 characters, so try to stay with us as we hit the Manifesto’s high(er) points:  First off, as Comrade Campbell has noted , mobile VoIP is a communication technology platform that people use to send and receive phone calls with the Internet connection on a mobile device. This varies from standard cellular service as the call is not being placed through the voice network.

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