Yelp's IPO needs some Review

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Yelp's IPO needs some Review

__PLACEHOLDER__Perhaps we have a bubble again.  Perhaps the community of Yelp Reviewers are betting on their experience rather than the finances.
Yelp as an IPO has the feel of a drug that could get sued over a side effect that happens in almost 100% of all cases.

The Yelp Financials suggest that they are going to bleed cash without a growth strategy to solve their operational woes. 

Something about has made the stock go up today on the first day of trading.

The only thing I can think of is they need to be acquired, but the stock that has been released is not enough to get any trade outs.  So at the end of the day they are either going to be a minnow looking for whales to swallow or happy to be a pilot fish. 

Lets see if the market is efficient or delirious.
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